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117 Articles

Discussion on the Budget 2018-19


The Social Development Forum, Council for Social Development, New Delhi Invites you to a panel discussion on the Budget 2018-19 with Economists, Policy researchers, Social activists and Government Officials.


Date: 7th March 2018
Time: 11.30 AM to 5.15 pm
Venue: Durgabai Deshmukh Memorial Lecture Hall, Council for Social Development, 53, Sangha Rachna, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-110003

Session I: Macro Economic Overview of Union Budget 2018-19

Time: 11.30 AM- 1.00 PM
Chair: Prof Muchkund Dubey


  1. Prof Biswajit Dhar
  2. Prof Praveen Jha

1:00- 2.00 PM: Lunch

Session II: Social Sector Development and Union Budget 2018-19

Time: 2:00- 3.45 PM
Chair: Prof Imrana Qadeer


  1. Prof Muchkund Dubey
  2. Prof R Govinda
  3. Prof K B Saxena
  4. Sh Ambarish Rai

3.45-4.00 PM: Tea

Session III: Agriculture and Rural Development in Union Budget 2018-19

Time: 3.45-5.15 PM
Chair: Prof K B Saxena


  1. Prof T Haque
  2. Dr George Mathew
  3. Sh Ashwini Mahajan
  4. Prof Ashok Pankaj

Constitutional and Social Democracy: An Ambedkar Perspective

The Social Development Forum of CSD, New Delhi invites you to a talk on

Constitutional and Social Democracy: An Ambedkar Perspective’

Schedule of the Programme

Constitutional and Social Democracy: An Ambedkar Perspective

Speaker: Prof. Valerian Rodrigues

Chair: Professor Ashok Pankaj

Director, CSD New Delhi

Date: January 18, 2018 (Thursday)

Time: 3.00-4.30 PM

Venue: Durgabai Deshmukh Memorial Lecture Hall, CSD,

Sangha Rachna, 53 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003

Abstract of the Presentation

Ambedkar argued for rule of law rather than rule of virtue. Much of his work devolves around critique of the prevailing system of rule of law and proposals to rectify it either by speaking law to social practices or through reform of the prevalent system of rule of law. This belief in constitutionalism antedates his interventions in the Constituent Assembly and is reflected in his writings and practices right from his deputation before the Southborough Committee in 1919. Ambedkar also develops a set of distinct arguments why the future of post-colonial dispensation in India squarely lies in constitutionalism. Constitutionalism prioritizes rule of law and celebrates a public culture informed by rule of law rather than ‘will of the people’. At the same time Ambedkar avows democracy as a way of life. For him democracy was a system of conducting public affairs, wherein a people equal and free regulate their lives in the indefinite future. He argues that self-realization is possible only by access to expanding spheres of social networks. Obviously, there is much tension between the rule of law he avows and the idea of democracy he celebrates. The lecture focuses on this tension, dwelling on the way, Ambedkar set about responding to it.

A Brief Introduction of the Speaker

Valerian Rodrigues currently holds Ambedkar Chair at Ambedkar University, Delhi. His areas of specialization are Political Philosophy; Political Ideas and Institutions in India; Disadvantage; Marginality; and Preferential Public Policies. Prof Rodrigues has taught at Mangalore University, Karnataka before joining Centre for Political Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi.

Prof Rodrigues was Agatha Harrison Fellow at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford from 1989-1991, visiting Professor at the University of Wurzburg (2011), ICCR visiting Professor at the University of Erfurt (2012), and ICSSR National Fellow (2015-17) at Mangalore university. He has authored or edited three books and has over 80 research publications to his credit.

Book Release Swaraj and the Reluctant State


Council for Social Development
Aakar Books

cordially invite you to release of

Swaraj and the Reluctant State

Edited by Prof K.B. Saxena

On 17th January 2018, at 6 P.M.

Venue : IIC Annexe, Lecture Room-1, Lodi Estate, New Delhi.
Tea : 5.30 – 6.00 P.M.
Chair & Remarks : Prof. Muchkund Dubey, President, CSD.
About the Book : Prof. K.B. Saxena, Distinguished Professor, CSD.
Book Release By : Prof. Narendra Jadhav, Member Rajya Sabha.
Panelists : Prof. Zoya Hasan, Distinguished Professor, CSD and Formerly at JNU.
Prof M.P.Singh, Formerly at Deptt of Political Science, University of Delhi

Training Programme on New Approaches to Resettlement: Building Capacity for Project Management

Training Programme on New Approaches to Resettlement: Building Capacity for Project Management

27th – 29th November, 2017

CSD has been conducting resettlement management training every year for over a decade with the aim of strengthening planning and management capacity of resettlement practitioners. Much has however happened in recent years in this field of training. Primarily, increased emphasis on infrastructure development has triggered change in this situation. Hence the focus of this workshop is on new approaches to resettlement. The Objective of this Resettlement Training Workshop is to familiarize participants with newer, more effective ways of managing emerging resettlement challenges.

The workshop is held in the month of November every year.

Jagged Edges

The Social Development Forum of CSD, New Delhi invites you to a talk on

Jagged Edges: Technology, Yields, Cropping Choices and Farmer Adaption to Climate Change in Three Semi-Arid Districts in Peninsular India, Maharashtra, 1966-2011‘ by Dr Deepak Dasgupta at 3 pm on October 30 (Monday), 2017 at Durgabai Deshmukh Hall, CSD, 53, Sangha Rachna, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-110003.

The event will be chaired by Professor Ashok Pankaj, Director, CSD, New Delhi.

About the Talk: The central thesis of the paper is that patterns and impact of effects of climate change ─ more erratic rainfall and rising temperatures ─ provide a better way of assessing how farmers adapt to climate shocks in reality on the ground rather than the standard method of forecasting the future from climate models and using crop and farm behavior models.

Both technology and climate change effects can be distinguished as farmer adaptation strategies. These adaptation strategies, however, are not necessarily the same everywhere: they differ by institutional, social and historical settings particular to that district and its farmers. Three different typologies: (a) “gamblers” in highly commercial agricultural settings, where risk-reward strategies may actually involve taking even more risk for higher average returns with greater volatility of returns; (b) “risk-averse diversifiers”, in more public research institutional settings, where farmers may diversify to multiple crops and cropping systems to lower their overall risk and perhaps settle for slightly lower average pay-off strategies; and (c) “technology-adopters”, where the driving way that farmers seem to ultimately adapt is to rely even more on new technology and information (new varieties, new cropping systems, water management, etc.) to deal with climate shocks.

Markets, institutions and innovation are shaped by public policy—in sometimes intended or stated, and sometimes unintended or unstated ways, beneficially, and sometimes not. For example, coarse grains lost out to other food crops; commercial crops such as cotton saw much greater support; oilseeds and pulses have been only lately the focus of public attention; public research has everywhere played a crucial role in ushering new varieties and spreading information, and spurring private markets in commercial crops (Bt cotton). The policy challenges for the future rests ─ conjecturally ─ on some areas of focus: more attention to technology in scarce water management (sprinklers and drip-irrigation and not flood irrigation) rather than crop varieties and farm practices alone; weather forecasting reliability at more granular local levels; weather-based crop insurance, especially to guard against catastrophic events; and innovative market stabilization (rather than exhausted public procurement) instruments.

Dr Deepak Dasgupta’s areas of research are Climate change, Agriculture and Macroeconomics. A recipient of Adam Smith Prize and medallion at Cambridge University and the Amex Bank Review Award for essays in International finance, Dr Dasgupta is presently ICSSR Senior Fellow at the CSD. He has earlier worked with the World Bank for over twenty-five years in various capacities. He is a former founding Board Member of the UNFCCC Green Climate Fund (GCF), representing India and Asia Pacific; and former Principal Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Finance.
Dr Dasgupta has taught and lectured at universities and think-tanks in India as well as in other countries. He is the principal author, co-author or editor of 10 books and 100 articles.

Training Workshop on Dalit Rights and Democracy


Council for Social Development

is organizing a five day

 Training Workshop on

Dalit Rights and Democracy

28 August 2017 to 1 September 2017

 Open for: Teachers | Social Workers | Researchers |

Civil Servants | Journalists | Students

 Sessions Include: Constitutional Framework and Dalit Rights | Protective Laws and their Implementation | Dalits, State and Democracy: Institutions and Processes | Economy and Dalits | Atrocities against Dalits | Dalit Women | Dalits and Education | Reservation and Development Interventions | Dalits and Media | Dalit Movements

Venue:     Council for Social Development

                   Sangha Rachna, 53 Lodi Estate

                   New Delhi 110003

                   Phone: 11-24615383

Conveners:  Prof. K.B. Saxena, Prof Manoranjan Mohanty, Prof Zoya Hasan,
Prof. N. Sukumar and Dr. Harish Wankhede

 Coordinator:          Dhruva Narayan (

 Contact Person:    Komal (

 (Lectures and discussions will be held in the afternoon from 3 pm to 6.30 pm)

Participants Contribution: ₹1,000 (All payments to be made in the name of Council for Social Development either through Demand Draft or Net Banking (details below:Name of the Bank:  Bank of India,  32/33 Raja Gyan Nath Building, Subramanian Bharti Marg, Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003; Full Name of Account: Council for Social Development, Account Number :600720100050048, IFSC Code : BKID0006007, Type of Account : Current Account)

Applicants are requested to mail a brief statement of purpose for attending the workshop along with their CV by 20 August 2017.

Durgabai Deshmukh Memorial Lecture, 2017

Durgabai Deshmukh Memorial Lecture, 2017  by Shri. P.Sainath on 15 July 2017

Title: THE MORAL ECONOMY OF THE ELITE And why they can’t confront the Inequality that is our greatest crisis

Venue: C.D.Deshmukh Auditorium, IIC Main building on 15 July 2017 (at 6.30 pm).
This lecture was  organised jointly with IIC.<>


Event Highlights


National Seminar on Challenges of Growing Inequalities in India


Date: 14-15 July, 2017
Venue: India International Centre Main, New Delhi