To address the challenges faced by India in the health sector, CSD has focussed on a number of themes that cut across its research endeavours and drive public health oriented research. These programmes have a particular emphasis on social diversity and on improving the health of marginalised and excluded groups and a commitment to outcome-oriented research. Broadly, the research focusses on gender, family, reproductive and sexual health, sustainability, diversity and social inclusion, violence and abuse, professional practice and higher education in public health. The unique characteristic of this work is that it connects research perspectives that have not previously been part of mainstream themes into relevant, socially responsive, progressive and innovative approaches to human wellbeing and the quality of life.

The success of such research programmes is that they are underpinned by well established partnerships with state governments, non-government organisations and the community sector who collectively desire to address India’s public health needs.



2015 Food and Nutrition Study
Sponsoring Organisation Council for Social Development

2013 Social Determinants of Health
Sponsoring Organisation Council for Social Development

2013 Strengthening Delhi State’s Maternal Health Systems: Maternity Delivery Services in Institutional Facilities
Sponsoring Organisation Council for Social Development

2012 Validation Survey of FINISH Sanitation Programme in the Villages/Slums of Gwalior
Sponsoring Organisation FINISH, New Delhi

2010 Public Report on Health ­– Phase-III
Sponsoring Organisation International Development and Research Centre-Canada

2008 Public Report on Health ­– Phase II
Sponsoring Organisation International Development and Research Centre-Canada

2006 Public Report on HealthPhase I
Sponsoring Organisation International Development and Research Centre-Canada

2006 Maternal and Infant Health Services Assessment in a Resettlement Colony of Delhi**

2006 Correlates of Neo-natal Mortality in India and its States: A Study Based on NFHS-2 Data
Sponsoring Organisation Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India