Govind Kelkar, PhD in Political Economy of China, is Visiting Professor at the Council for Social Development, Delhi, and Professor and Executive
Director of GenDev Centre for Research and Innovation, Gurgaon, India. In her concurrent assignments, Prof. Kelkar is a Regional Council Member of Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Adjunct Distinguished Professor of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand. a Honorary Professor in Institute of Ethnology, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Yunnan, China; a Member of the Steering Committee of BRICS Feminist Watch, and Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi. Earlier, from May 2012 to January 2020, she was a Senior Adviser to Landesa, Seattle USA; International Research Coordinator of ENERGIA International, the Netherlands, and from April 2004 to March 2012, she worked as “Senior Advisor: Programme and Research, Economic Empowerment Unit, UN Women, South Asia Office, New Delhi, India. She has previously taught at Delhi University, the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand. At AIT, Dr Kelkar founded the graduate program in Gender Development Studies and also the Gender, Technology and Development Journal, published by SAGE, India.
Govind Kelkar resides in Delhi, India. She has extensively worked on gender relations in rural Asia. She has contributed numerous articles to scholarly journals and written 16 books with a focus on political economy of land rights, gender and energy in Asia and has been in close touch with women’s movements in the region.The book include:
Witch Hunt in India and Elsewhere (co – authored) – Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.
Women’s Asset Ownership and Reduction in Gender-based Violence (co-authored) Landesa and Heinrich Böll Foundation, New Delhi, 2015.
Aadhaar: Gender, Identity and Development (co-authored) Academic Foundation, Delhi, 2014
Women, Land and Power in Asia (co-edited), Routledge Francis Taylor, 2013
Markets and Development of Indigenous Peoples in Asia: Lessons from Development Projects (co-authored), Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013
International Trade, and Global Civil Society (co-author), Routledge, 2008
Adivasi Women: Engaging with Climate Change, UNIFEM-IFAD-The Christensen Fund, 2009.
Agriculture at a Crossroads (co-author), International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IASSTD), 2009
Globalization and Indigenous peoples in Asia, Changing the local-global interface (co-edited), Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2004
Themes from Celebrating Mountain Women, ICIMOD, (co-edited), Kathmandu, 2004
Gender Relations in Forest Societies in Asia: Patriarchy at Odds: (co-edited) Sage publications, New Delhi, 2003
Feminist Challenges in the Information Age, (co-editor), Leske+Budrich, Opladen, 2002
Gender and Environment Research in Asia: Concerns and Concepts (co-editor), Gender Studies Book 2, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. 1996
Gender and Tribe: Women Land and Forest in Jharkhand (co-author) Kali for Women, New Delhi, 1991; Zed Books, London 1992.
Women and Struggle (co-author), Kali for Women, New Delhi, 1988.
China after Mao: A Report on Socialist Development, Usha Publications, New Delhi, 1979.