Volume:  46, Number 2
Table of Contents

Sociology of Exclusion: Dalits in East Uttar Pradesh – Nirakar Mallick and Bhibhuti Bhushan Malik
Why Arunachal Pradesh’s Social Sector Development is Uneven: A Cross-District Investigation – Manish Sharma and Deb Kumar Chakrabarty
Women’s Autonomy in Nepal, Their Working Status and its Effect on Levels of Anaemia – Komal  Dulal
Poetry and Social Transformation: The Legacy of Sachi Routray – Kailash Chandra Dash
Sociology of Exclusion: Dalits in East Uttar Pradesh – Nirakar Mallick and Bhibhuti Bhushan Malik

Research Culture in Indian Universities – Pravin J. Patel

Pushpa M. Bharghava
Ma Rong
Staffan Lindberg
William G. Tierney
Prakash Sarangi

Democracy and Growing Inequalities in India – Zoya Hasan

Book Reviews
Anup Maharatna,  India’s Perception, Society, and Development – Anindita Sinha
Nigel Dodd, The Social Life of Money – Suraj Beri
Manoranjan Mohanty, Red and Green, Five Decades of the Maosist Movement – Dhananjai Rai
Thongkholal Haokip, India’s Look East Policy and the Northeast – Obja Borah Hazarika
K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, Governance of Megacities – Fractured Thinking, Fragmented Setup – Sheema Fatima
Jonathan D. James, A Moving Faith, Mega Churches go South – John Dayal
Christel R. Devadawson, Out of Line: Cartoons, Caricatures and Contemporary India – Suchitra Sengupta

Tributes to B.D. SharmaK.B. Saxena Haragopal Pradip Prabhu